But Microsoft isn't as synonymous with cloud/sync as Dropbox or Google Drive.

OneDrive really should be a bigger name than it is. In keeping with other products like OneNote and Xbox One, it went with OneDrive. by broadcaster BSkyB for using the word "Sky." A court agreed that it infringed a trademark, and Microsoft had to rebrand again. SkyDrive is a great name, but it was taken. In the years since, it has been Windows Live Mesh, Essentials, Live Folders, and SkyDrive. Take FolderShare, for instance, which was acquired by Microsoft in 2005 and promptly renamed Windows Live FolderShare-because everything was called "Live" back then. Sometimes it's arbitrary (at least to customers). With the exception of Windows and Office, it seems to re-brand its offerings every few years. Microsoft has a problem when it comes to sticking with product names.

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